Taking a tour of pygeoapi

At this point, you’ve installed pygeoapi, set configurations and started the server.

pygeoapi’s default configuration comes setup with two simple vector datasets, a STAC collection and a sample process. Note that these resources are straightforward examples of pygeoapi’s baseline functionality, designed to get the user up and running with as little barriers as possible.

Let’s check things out. In your web browser, go to http://localhost:5000


All pygeoapi URLs have HTML and JSON representations. If you are working through a web browser, HTML is always returned as the default, whereas if you are working programmatically, JSON is always returned.

To explicitly ask for HTML or JSON, simply add f=html or f=json to any URL accordingly.

Each web page provides breadcrumbs for navigating up/down the server’s data. In addition, the upper right of the UI always has JSON and JSON-LD links to provide you with the current page in JSON if desired.

Landing page


The landing page provides a high level overview of the pygeoapi server (contact information, licensing), as well as specific sections to browse data, processes and geospatial files.



The collections page displays all the datasets available on the pygeoapi server with their title and abstract. Let’s drill deeper into a given dataset.

Collection information


Let’s drill deeper into a given dataset. Here we can see the obs dataset is described along with related links (other related HTML pages, dataset download, etc.).

The ‘View’ section provides the default to start browsing the data.

The ‘Queryables’ section provides a link to the dataset’s properties.

Vector data

Collection queryables


The queryables endpoint provides the collection’s queryable properties and associated datatypes.

Collection items


This page displays a map and tabular view of the data. Features are clickable on the interactive map, allowing the user to drill into more information about the feature. The table also allows for drilling into a feature by clicking the link in a given table row.

Let’s inspect the feature close to Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Collection item


This page provides an overview of the feature and its full set of properties, along with an interactive map.

See also

Publishing vector data to OGC API - Features for more OGC API - Features request examples.


Add an item to a collection (using curl):

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/geo+json" http://localhost:5000/collections/canada-metadata/items -d @new-item.json

Update an item in a collection (using curl):

curl -XPUT -H "Content-Type: application/geo+json" http://localhost:5000/collections/canada-metadata/items/item1 -d @updated-feature.json

Delete an item from a collection:

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:5000/collections/canada-metadata/items/item1

Raster data

Collection coverage schema

This page provides information on a collection coverage information.


Collection coverage data

This page provides a coverage in CoverageJSON format.


See also

Publishing raster data to OGC API - Coverages for more OGC API - Coverages request exampless.


Datasets can be made available as dynamic maps:


See also

Publishing maps to OGC API - Maps for more OGC API - Maps request examples.


A given collection or any data type can additionally be made available as tiles (map tiles, vector tiles, etc.). The following page provides an overview of a collection’s tiles capabilities (tile matrix sets, URI templates, etc.)


URI templates

From the abovementioned page, we can find the URI template:


Generic metadata

This page provides freeform tiles metadata.


Metadata Records


This page provides metadata catalogue search capabilities

See also

Publishing metadata to OGC API - Records for more OGC API - Records request examples.


See the Transactions section for examples.


The processes page provides a list of process integrated onto the server, along with a name and description.


Expand with more info once OAProc HTML is better flushed out.

See also

Publishing processes via OGC API - Processes for more OGC API - Processes request examples.

Environmental data retrieval


This page provides, in addition to a common collection description, specific link relations for EDR queries if the collection has an EDR capability, as well as supported parameter names to select.

http://localhost:5000/collections/edr-test/position?coords=POINT(111 13)&parameter-name=SST&f=json

This page executes a position query against a given parameter name, providing a response in CoverageJSON.

See also

Publishing data to OGC API - Environmental Data Retrieval for more OGC API - EDR request examples.

SpatioTemporal Assets


This page provides a Web Accessible Folder view of raw geospatial data files. Users can navigate and click to browse directory contentsor inspect files. Clicking on a file will attempt to display the file’s properties/metadata, as well as an interactive map with a footprint of the spatial extent of the file.

See also

Publishing files to a SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog for more STAC request examples.

API Documentation



The API documentation links provide a Swagger page of the API as a tool for developers to provide example request/response/query capabilities. A JSON representation is also provided.

See also




The conformance page provides a list of URLs corresponding to the OGC API conformance classes supported by the pygeoapi server. This information is typically useful for developers and client applications to discover what is supported by the server.