CRS support

pygeoapi supports the complete specification: OGC API - Features - Part 2: Coordinate Reference Systems by Reference corrigendum. The specified CRS-related capabilities are available for all Feature data Providers.


For details visit the Configuration section for Feature Providers. At this moment only the ‘URI’ CRS notation format is supported.

  • crs - list of CRSs supported

  • storage_crs - CRS in which the data is stored (must be in crs list)

  • storage_crs_coordinate_epoch - epoch of storage_crs for a dynamic coordinate reference system

These per-Provider configuration fields are all optional. Default for CRS-values is, so “WGS84” with lon/lat axis ordering. If the storage CRS of the spatial feature collection is a dynamic coordinate reference system, storage_crs_coordinate_epoch configures the coordinate epoch of the coordinates.

There is also support for CRSs that support height like In that case bbox parameters (see below) may contain 6 coordinates.


The conformance class is present as a conformsTo field in the root landing page response.

The configured CRSs, or their defaults, crs and storageCRS and optionally storageCrsCoordinateEpoch will be present in the “Describe Collection” response.


The items query supports the following parameters:

  • crs - the CRS in which Features coordinates should be returned, also for the ‘get single item’ request

  • bbox-crs - the CRS of the bbox parameter (only for Providers that support the bbox parameter)

If any or both of these parameters are specified, their CRS-value should be from the advertised CRS-list in the Collection metadata (see above).

An HTTP Header named Content-Crs specifies the CRS for returned Feature-coordinates as according to the “OGC API - Features - Part 2” standard. For example:

Content-Crs: <>.

Note that the values of these parameters may need to be URL-encoded.


CRS and BBOX CRS support is implemented for all Feature Providers. Some details may help understanding (performance) implications.

BBOX CRS Parameter

The bbox-crs parameter is handled at the common level of pygeoapi, thus transparent for Feature Providers. Obviously the Provider should support bbox. A transformation of the bbox parameter is performed according to the storage_crs configuration. Then the (transformed) bbox is passed with the other query parameters to the Provider instance.

CRS Parameter

When the value of the crs parameter differs from the Provider data Storage CRS, the response Feature coordinates need to be transformed to that CRS. As some Feature Providers like PostgreSQL or OGR may support native coordinate transformation, pygeoapi delegates transformation to those Providers, passing the crs with the other query parameters.

Feature Providers, like CSV for example, that do not (yet) support coordinate transformation provide a ‘flag’ that triggers pygeoapi to perform the transformation on the Provider response data. Details: this is effected through a Python Decorator @crs_transform on the Provider functions query() and get(). By removing that flag, Providers may later move transformation to their internal implementation.


Suppose an addresses collection with the following CRS support in its collection metadata:

curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326?f=json'


"crs": [
"storageCRS": ""

This allows a bbox-crs query using Dutch “RD” coordinates with CRS to retrieve for example a single address. Note that the URIs are URL-encoded, This is sometimes required in curl commands but when entering in a browser, plain text can be used. Though curl may also understand non-encoded URLs when using single quotes around the complete URL.

curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&,459268,177440,459278'
# or plain URL
curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&bbox-crs=,459268,177440,459278'

# response fragment
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [
          "properties": {
              "straatnaam": "Willinkhuizersteeg",
              "huisnummer": "2",
              "huisletter": "C",
              "woonplaats": "Wekerom",
              "postcode": "6733EB",
              "toevoeging": null
          "id": "inspireadressen.1742212"
  "links": [

You can also use a WGS84 equivalent with lat/lon axis order as in CRS

curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&,5.71484,52.12123,5.71486'

# response fragment
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [
          "properties": {
              "straatnaam": "Willinkhuizersteeg",
              "huisnummer": "2",
              "huisletter": "C",
              "woonplaats": "Wekerom",
              "postcode": "6733EB",
              "toevoeging": null
          "id": "inspireadressen.1742212"
  "links": [

Using the crs parameter you can retrieve the data within the bbox in a different CRS like The bbox is assumed to specified in the Storage CRS

curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&,52.12122,5.71486,52.12123'
# or plain URL
curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&crs=,52.12122,5.71486,52.12123'

# response fragment
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [
          "properties": {
              "straatnaam": "Willinkhuizersteeg",
              "huisnummer": "2",
              "huisletter": "C",
              "woonplaats": "Wekerom",
              "postcode": "6733EB",
              "toevoeging": null
          "id": "inspireadressen.1742212"
  "links": [

Or you may specify both crs and bbox-crs and thus bbox in that CRS

curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&,459268,177440,459278'
# or plain URL
curl 'http://localhost:5000/collections/dutch_addresses_4326/items?f=json&crs=,459268,177440,459278'

# response fragment
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
          "type": "Feature",
          "geometry": {
              "type": "Point",
              "coordinates": [
          "properties": {
              "straatnaam": "Willinkhuizersteeg",
              "huisnummer": "2",
              "huisletter": "C",
              "woonplaats": "Wekerom",
              "postcode": "6733EB",
              "toevoeging": null
          "id": "inspireadressen.1742212"
  "links": [